Pandemic, Blackness and Higher Education

Written by: KiMi Wilson, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor, California State University, Los Angeles
AABLI Alumnus, Class #16

Nine thousand two hundred and forty hours have passed –as of this writing– since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. COVID abruptly halted or disrupted frequent flyer miles, conference schedules, worship services, hikes, and gatherings with family and friends.

Faculty office hours

Building Stronger, High Performing Boards

Faculty Office Hours
Written by: Yolanda J. Gorman, Ph.D.
Senior Advisor to the Chancellor, UCLA
AABLI Lead Faculty

In my work with nonprofit boards, I often find that board members are extremely talented, skilled and passionate about the organizations they serve.

Why, then, do some governing boards have such bad reputations?

Diversity: Let's come together

Moving Beyond Bold DEI Statements to Action: How Board Members Can Influence Change

Written by: Lori Walton
Inclusion & Diversity Corporate Philanthropist
AABLI Alumna, Class #16

We will never forget 2020. It brought us face to face with a deadly pandemic, but it also has brought about a heightened focus on racial injustice. From protests around the world to community activism, we have witnessed increasing, bold statements of change from organizations calling for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

What does their support for DEI mean?

chess pieces

The Strategic Board

Written by: LaVada English, MBA
Founder and Owner, LaVada English Consulting
AABLI Alumna, Class #10

As regulatory and other pressures increase, boards are expected to become more deeply involved, taking on a strategic role to ensure that organizations thrive. Traditionally, boards have become involved in strategy when there were specific reasons to do so, such as the retirement of an incumbent CEO, a major investment decision or an acquisition proposal.

Preserving Your Mental Health Beyond COVID-19

Written by: Pamela Huley, MSN, RN
Healthcare Business Consultant
AABLI Alumna, Class #11
This much we know: COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. ‘CO’ stands for corona, ‘VI’ for virus, and ‘D’ for disease.

This much we are finding out: COVID-19 does not affect everyone equally. As the reported cases of COVID-19 increase world-wide, evidence has emerged that this pandemic is disproportionately affecting people of color, especially African Americans. As the number of cases in the U.S. rises, inequities within the country’s health system are dramatically exposed.

ABFE Repost: Convening Through Pain Reflections On Harambee 2020 And Why ABFE Matters

Written by: Susan Taylor Batten
President and CEO, ABFE

It is fitting that Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE), formed in 1971 as the first affinity group of the Council of Foundations, would be the first philanthropy-serving organization (PSO) in the U.S., to host its multi-day, concurrent-session, annual conference Harambee, as a virtual meeting during a global pandemic April 15-17th of 2020.

After Passing the Budget – Goals for the Fiscally Responsible Board Member

Written by: Trella R. Walker, JD
Associate Director for Advisory Services
Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF)
AABLI alumna, Class #9

All good board members know it is our job to make sure our organization has a solid budget that supports the organization’s ability to meet both its short and long term goals. So we do our due diligence and pass a responsible budget that can be used to guide the organization for the year.